Sunday, June 8, 2014


This is actually the second tower that overlooked the dock area. When the first tower was built, it was attached to building 64, the large, imposing building one first encounters when landing on Alcatraz. In 1940 or 41, the walkway was removed and a spiral staircase, one that had previously been located in the old cell blocks, was installed. The tower was heavily armed and monitored all the comings and goings from the penitentiary. Now it's the place of choice for gulls to watch what comes and goes at the island.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

THE BIRDS OF ALCATRAZ: Early on a Rainy Morning

EARLY ON A RAINY MORNING, BEFORE THE TOURISTS ARRIVE, the gulls have not only the warden’s house but most of the island to themselves. When I was a kid, there was nothing beautiful about Alcatraz, just the mystery of what went on there. Now, amid the ruins and decay, it is not hard at all to find beauty in what was once such a foreboding place. My wife "Gaki" and I love it there, especially in the winter when there are less visitors. I've been there several times and we plan to go many more.

Copyright 2014 by Brian S. A. O'Neil.  All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


THE PALACE OF FINE ARTS (north side) - in a sense it's hard to believe that this fantastic place is going to be 100 years old next year - it seems so much a part of San Francisco's "today."

Saturday, May 3, 2014


AFTERNOON FOG at the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary located in the historic old Coast Guard Station at Crissy Field on the San Francisco Presidio. For those of you that read THE BUNDORI MURDERS, by moi, you might recall Inspector Gallagher spending some time here investigating a grisly homicide. But yesterday, other than a little wind and fog, and a LOT of people out enjoying the afternoon along the bay, there wasn't much going on.

Copyright 2014 By Brian S. A. O'Neil. All rights reserved.